
Hari Raya Qurban Taman Setia, Klang

Thursday, November 18, 2010

9 ekor lembu, 2 ekor kambing, selesai diqurban, diproses dan diedarkan sebelum Zohor. Ok. Sangat efisyen. Tahun ini adik join. Aku nak join juga tapi apakan daya, takda rezeki. Insya-Allah kalau panjang umur tahun depan aku join.

Quote (status) menarik dari seorang rakan di FB

"Selesai Ibadah korban kat surau kampung.. tahun ni lebih ramai yang datang bawak SLR dari pisau dan parang"
-Izzal Ismail-

Ok. I couldnt agree more. Hehehe



All images copyrighted by Tecnicreative Enterprise 2013 (Brand owner of DarkspoonPhotojourney). Please do not use our images without our consent. Permissions are only limited for non-commercial purpose only with terms and conditions applied


Welcome to DarkspoonPhotojourney. The best way to describe your memories. We are professionals in engineering background but have very strong enthusiasm towards photography with 3 years experiences. Especially when capturing peoples and precious moments around us

Here we offers photography services for almost every occasion with a very competitive packages and price! Dont hesitate to contact us at We'll get back to you as soon as possible!